Here at Hummel Financial Services, we work with you to make the financial decisions everyone faces, whether for individuals or businesses, as straightforward and worry-free as possible. Please explore our site, who we are, and the services we offer. We're glad you're here and look forward to working with you.
Hummel Group recognizes the unprecedented questions the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is raising for our clients, particularly questions related to business income and event cancellation losses and how policies will respond to these incidents. While one answer does not fit all circumstances, Hummel Group will take the appropriate steps to work with your insurance carriers to evaluate the coverage for a coronavirus-related claim under any insurance policy in a timely manner.
Hummel Group encourages policyholders to review their insurance policies and claim reporting requirements....
Hummel Group was once again ranked as the #1 office for the 8th year in a row. Due to this ranking, Financial Advisors Andrew Miller, Scott Nussbaum, Hank Reifsnyder, Trevor Hostetler, Andy Badertscher, Karl Schlabach and OSJ, Josh Hartzler were all invited to attend the ONESCO Institute.
The ONESCO Institute is a bi-annual event that consists of the top 75 advisors and top 10 offices with The O.N. Equity Sales Company (ONESCO). ONESCO is a full-service independent broker dealer with about 650 affiliated registered representatives who provide investment and insurance products and...
Hank Reifsnyder of Hummel Group's Orrville office took some time to talk about what it means to be a Smartvestor Professional and why he chose to become one. Check out the videos below to learn more or check out our SmartVestor page here.
A SmartVestor Professional is someone who's been fully vetted by Dave Ramsey's team at Ramsey Solutions. They interview you and you have to agree to a code of ethics. My job as a SmartVestor Professional is to help people reduce and eliminate the risk associated with retirement...