Protect Your Business with a Life Insurance Buy-Sell Agreement

Be prepared to transfer your business successfully at retirement or if the unexpected occurs.

Call 800-860-1060 or click below to learn more about buy-sell agreements.





What is a buy-sell agreement?

A Life Insurance Buy-Sell Agreement is a legal agreement funded by a life insurance policy.  The life policy offers liquidity in the event an owner or partner decides to leave (retirement or exit the business) or has died.  The remaining partners are then able to buy out the shares of the other owner and maintain the stability of the company.

Get Your Buy-Sell Agreement Insurance Questions Answered

We know the process of setting up a buy-sell agreement can be confusing.  Maybe you are wondering if you need it, how to set it up, or how it works...let us help.  If you have questions about setting up a buy-sell agreement, don't hesitate to contact us for a free consultation now.


Whether you want to discuss what options are best for you or if you know you are ready to set up a buy-sell agreement, click the button below to get started.
Know all the buy-sell options and discuss with an advisor

What is a cross purchase agreement?

A buy-sell agreement in which all remaining owners purchase the shares of the exiting partner.

What is a redemption agreement?

A buy-sell agreement in which the business entity buys the shares of the exiting partner.

Important Considerations Regarding Your Buy-Sell Agreement
  • Business Goals

  • Valuation Methods

  • Tax Implications

Earning Your Trust Since 1957

Since 1957, Hummel has been building its business on its uncompromising values of integrity, trust & hard work.
When it comes to life insurance, this means that your Hummel Financial Advisor knows how important this decision is and we are here to help you choose the best life insurance to protect your loved ones in case you're no longer there to do it yourself. 

We're in the business of trust-building, not selling policies.

Hummel Group is a Trusted Choice Independent Agency. 
To learn more about what this means for you, take a look at the Trusted Choice Pledge of Performance by clicking the Trusted Choice logo.

Trusted Choice is a Directory of Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers, and is not affiliated with The O.N. Equity Sales Company or O.N. Investment Management Company.

A Buy-Sell Agreement is only one part of your business planning process, let the Financial Advisors at Hummel Group help you develop a comprehensive plan that meets your needs while considering things like:

Our Insurance Risk Advisors can help you with:

Service Area

We’re based in northeast Ohio but serve clients all over the U.S.  So no matter where you are, please reach out so we can help you!

The Next Step is Easy

Call 800-860-1060 or complete the form to get in touch.