Organizing your finances and planning for retirement can seem like a huge undertaking no matter who you are. It seems to loom in the distance with plenty of unknowns and potential pitfalls. What should you know about the journey? What should you pack now?
At Hummel Group, our advisors want to help serve as experienced guides to the path that lies ahead. We all need to walk the path; our goal is to help you understand and enjoy every step.
One of the most daunting aspects of preparing for any trip, including your financial journey, is taking stock of your current situation and deciding what you'll need and what to do without. At this juncture, our advisors help you layout your current financial picture so that you can choose the right path with confidence.
Goal Setting
Where do you want to go? What do you want to do? What are the big life events along the way that you want to prepare for? In this part of the conversation, we want to help you set financial goals and formulate a plan to achieve them.
Don't forget the First Aid Kit! Here, we want to help you consider the potential risks that lie ahead. We have conversations at this point about protecting what matters most and discerning what risk may or may not be appropriate for your journey.