Tips & Tricks

2017 Year End Reminders

Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs)

Reminder that if you are 70+ years old, you need to take a minimum amount of money from any IRA you have.  Click here for a reminder on what an RMD is or contact a Financial Advisor at Hummel Group for more information.


It's Time for Baby Boomer RMDs!

In 2016, the first wave of baby boomers turned 701/2, and many more reach that milestone in 2017 and 2018.  What's so special about 701/2?  That's the age when you must begin taking required minimum distributions (RMDs) from tax-deferred retirement accounts, including traditional IRAs, SIMPLE IRAs, SEP IRAs, SARSEPs, and 401(k), 403(b), and 457(b) plans.  Original owners of Roth IRAs are not required to take RMDs.

Benefits Buzz December 2017

Did You Know?

According to the annual Kaiser Family Foundation and the Health Research & Educational Trust employer health benefits survey, over half of large employers have embraced telemedicine, with 63% offering health care services through this method.

Of these employers, 33 percent offer financial incentives to receive health care services this way, as opposed to an in-person physician visit.

Tips for Reviewing my Medicare Coverage During Medicare Open Enrollment

During the Medicare Open Enrollment Period that runs from October 15 through December 7, you can make changes to your Medicare coverage that will be effective on January 1, 2018.  If you're satisfied with your current coverage, you don't need to make changes, but it's a good idea to review your options.

During Open Enrollment, you can:

News Brief : Equifax Data Breach

143 Million People Potentially Affected in Equifax Data Breach

Equifax, one of the largest credit reporting agencies in the United States, was recently the victim of a massive cyber attack- an attack that may have compromised the personal information of 143 million people.

Donating to Disasters and Avoiding Scams

Hurricane Harvey was the strongest storm to make landfall in the United States since Hurricane Charley in 2004 and we will soon have Irma, an even stronger storm crashing into our shores this weekend.  News of the damage Harvey has caused to southeastern Texas is prompting people to help in whatever ways they can and we are certain that the same will occur with Irma.

Beginning Your Savings Fitness Plan

Look at your current financial resources. This is important because your financial resources affect not only your ability to reach your goals, but also your ability to protect those goals from potential financial crises.  These are the resources you will draw on to meet various life events.

What to know before you shop for a car

​What "options" are you legally required to buy?

Confused about what is and isn't required when buying or leasing a vehicle?  Ohio law

 requires drivers to meet financial responsibility requirements, which can be done by purchasing liability insurance.  In addition, when leasing or financing a vehicle, those contracts require you to have physical damage insurance coverage.

Beyond that, here are answers to common questions asked about dealer options.*